Aptrumi SMP

A Cobblemon community like no other!

Minecraft Guides

Here are some guides for things in game.

Abandoned Claims

In case you come across a build in the way of things that appears abandoned, here is what to do.

Abandoned & Unclaimed: If the build has no sign of life/ownership and is being obstructive, place a sign with something like "Who are you? Contact [USERNAME] on Discord before [DATE]." on a door/chest/thing of note. The date should be at least a week from the sign placement. If no one reaches out, tear it down, BUT DON'T STEAL THE BLOCKS/ITEMS. Instead put a chest somewhere in the vicinity with the resources and a sign with something like "abandoned build please relocate" on it.

Abandoned & Claimed: Reach out to the claim owner. You can check this by right clicking with a stick onto a block in the claim. This is why your Minecraft IGN needs to be in your nickname on the Discord. If they don't respond after a week, reach out to staff to delete the claim. Like with unclaimed abandoned builds, it is good etiquette to put the resources there aside in case the original owner comes back later.

Player on Hiatus: People's lives get busy, sometimes too busy to play on the server. In these cases, staff can set their claims as Legacies. This means perms will be changed so Pokémon can be caught on the land by those passing through, but the structure will be safe until the player can return.

Empty, Abandoned, & Claimed: If nothing is in an area for a prolonged period (over a week) and yet it is claimed in a way that obstructs you, reach out to staff to handle the situation.

Claiming Land

For the most detailed guide on things go to the FTB Wiki for more info.

How to Claim: When you open your inventory, you'll notice some symbols at the top left of your screen. One of these is callled Claim Manager. Click it to open a mini-map of the area you are in. To claim a chunk, left click it. To unlciam a chunk, right click it.

Diamond Economy

This is a thorough guide on our economy system.

Diamond Currency

These are the commands necessary for getting started with our economy.

Chest Shop Setup

  1. Place a barrel or chest where you want the shop inventory held.
  2. Place a sign on the container and fill in the following details.
  3. Hold the item you wish to sell in your off-hand.
  4. Hold a diamond in your main hand.
  5. Right click the sign with the diamond to assign the item to the shop. Make sure if you have click through mod installed to disable it by pressing F9.
  6. Put the stock in the container and you're all set!

Other Chest Shop Info

If you want to change a shop, you need to break the sign on the container for it and follow the setup instructions from step 2. If you want to remove a shop, you simply need to break the sign. To make an exchange with a shop, a customer must right click the sign for it. There is the glitch that a shop owner is not excluded from interacting with their own shop, but nothing is lost or duplicated in these cases so if you click by mistake, don't worry about it.

Visual Guide

Still confused? Try watching this video provided by one of our members, Brian.

Xaero's Radar Fix

If your Xaero's Minimap and World Map mods don't show vanilla mobs, follow these steps:

  1. Press Y to open your map settings.
  2. Select Entity Radar Settings.
  3. Select Entity Category Settings.
  4. Click Reset Defaults.